Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Short Autobiography - (Story Starter?)

Frankie Serrano

[Top Secret Files - Not to be shown]

It all started when my progenitors sent me in a capsule from my home planet, Fraturn, to the Earth. They knew our planet was doomed, so they sent my two other brothers as well, and promised that they would catch up with us quickly.
Fraturn is a secret planet, known only to the Chinese, Japanese, and Korean. They have a strong trade of technology, hence Fraturnians having math-chips installed in their brains.

The Koreans soon got mad and launched a whole barrage of Nukes at my planet, forcing us to escape (this could explain why everyone is worried of a nuclear powered Korea). We landed in a landscape humans called "Mexico", and thanks to our Asian intelligence chips we soon learnt their ways of speak and culture.

We are currently studying this so called "mexicans" more closely. When we discover their weaknesses we could probably [DATA EXPUNGED] and we will sacrifice them in order to [DATA ERRADICATED]

Maybe this could happen sooner than we thought...

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Entry #3 - My Hero

So, for homework, we have to write about our hero. Now, most people would say their heroes are people like... Ghandi, or people like Firefighters.
But my hero is special, he is...

I mean, he stood up for his opinions to the PRESIDENT, I mean, thats pretty cool and brave right?
His name is Muhtandhar al-Zaidi, he was a journalist before being sent to jail for... well, um, "attempting against the president."

He is also well very well known for capturing Bush and using him against Al-Qaeda.

Thats how it happened right?

 Well, so there ya go! All I can say now is that 2 more days of school.

That is all. Ba bye.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Personal Experiences - Horror

Well, I just came back from the dentist, and after driving through the stupid car jams in Mexico City and an ungodly storm on the way back, I now lie on my bed drinking some hot chocolate while writing this.

I would've wrote this yesterday, but then I remembered it was Monday, and I get very sick of "Mondayitis" on Mondays. It is a very severe condition which causes you to want to climb up a mountain and throw yourself down like this:

Well, anyways, moving on. In this entry I wanted to talk about Horror Media.

I love playing horror games, for some reason, the feel they make you have of being alone, no way to defend yourself, feels very real to me. And whenever a monster pops out, you feel like just running out of your room... Or spazzing out...

I dont know why I like that feeling, I've felt like I almost die of heart attacks lots of times now.

Same with horror movies, and graphic novels.
It always baffled me how people can create such an atmosphere in your computer screen, or your TV, or even simple pages.

Well, it is a little late, and I am very tired, see y'all in my next entry.


No, JK. I hate Mornings.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Entry # 1: Hello and Whining

So, a blog...
Well, let me start by explaining why I have to do a blog. As a writing class project, everyone in 10th grade will have to record their experiences twice or maybe more times every week. Supposedly then we will be able to see how much our writing skills improved.

So, since this is going to be written in a "journal" kind of way, let me start this first entry by whining about swimming.
I've been swimming for around 11 years. Now, all those years we had the swimming training from 2:30 to 4:30. And I grew pretty acquainted to that, but now it turns out that they changed it from that to 5:30 - 7:30. Now that really screwed up my evening.
Also, I dunno, but it looks like either the coaches dont have souls, or they didn't have breakfast, or something, but they always make us swim as if we were being chased by hungry sharks and swam for our lives. I get home pretty tired and dont want to do anything other than eating, playing games, or watching TV.

Well, I have to go get dinner and shower, until next time.